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Talking About Quality – Webinar

Frustrated that others in your organization see “Quality” as a nuisance and burden?

In this webinar, hosted by Qualistery, I talk about the challenges of communicating about the quality management system throughout your organization – from those at the top, to those on the shop floor.

Lots of tips and insights to help you manage these critical conversations.

Writing Quality Procedures – pdf

Guidelines and tips to help reduce the struggle of writing effective quality procedures so that you can spend less time, and write better procedures.

Talking About How to Write Effective Quality Procedures – Webinar

Your procedures are useless, if they’re not being used. 

In this webinar, hosted by Qualistery I give advice on the process and considerations that need to go into creating clear quality procedures that not only follow the rules and keep you compliant, but that actually get used.

Learn the principles of clear writing. 

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